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To catch up on a recent series of talks, find our playlists below.

Current Series

Vision Sundays

June 2024

In this Vision series we look back and celebrate all that God has done in past year and look ahead to what God is inviting us in to in 2024-25.

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Past Series

Jesus and the Ten Commandments

January 2024

In this series we will how Jesus does not abolish the ten commandments, but rather transforms and expands their scope and shows us how it is possible to live: loving our neighbour and loving God with all our heart and soul..

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A Journey of Invitation

Autumn 2023

In this series we will learn how to extend God’s invitation to others by following a pathway that allows us to work out how we invite others; we share life, we share our faith and we share Jesus on our Journey of Invitation. In our journey of faith as disciples we have an ongoing invitation from Jesus to “taste and see that the Lord is good”, to discover more of who God is, his amazing love and grace for us, and to understand more of who he says we are. On this journey we are transformed by the Holy Spirit to be more like Jesus and so too we extend that same invitation to others to come and discover God’s love. Yet for many of us taking that leap of faith to invite others is a challenging one. 

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Spring 2023

In this series we learn about we how we can be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the things that Jesus did.

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May 2022 - Easter 2023

This series has a simple title, “Disciple”, because we want to simply explore and put into practice what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Not merely a believer, who believers certain things about Jesus, but a disciple, an apprentice of Jesus, who has taken up the invitation to follow Jesus and live life with him, learning to be and do as Jesus would if he were us, living our lives with our strengths and weaknesses, personality and skills.

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A Journey To The Cross

Lent 2022

We are starting our Lent series “journey to the cross”, looking at some of the events that happened in the lead up to Jesus’ death and resurrection. As Jesus took his journey to the cross, to arrive at his future, what the glorious amazing future that would change the future of the world, and cost Jesus not just his life, but separation from all that is good in the universe, we are going to look at some of the things he said and did in the weeks running up to Good Friday and easter Sunday, because he did and taught those things so that we could journey with him in our life, so that we could live an abundant life in relationship with him and arrive at our glorious eternal future with him.

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Surrender to Love

January 2022

1 John 4:7-19 God is love. In this series we explore the journey of surrendering to God’s love, a love that went so unbelievably far as to sacrifice the His own beloved son, so that no matter how unworthy we feel of such love, we may experience acceptance, healing, and our own outpouring of love as a response.

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Freely Give

October 2021

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In and Out: Partnering with the Holy SpiritJune 2021Watch series again

In and Out: Partnering with the Holy Spirit

June 2021

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The King and His Kingdom: The Gospel of MatthewMarch - May 2021Our series exploring the gospel of Matthew - the story of The King and his Kingdom. From birth to resurrection via teaching and demonstrating the kingdom through his public ministry, we get to see King Jesus fulfilling OT prophecy and Gods future kingdom breaking though in the life death resurrection of Jesus. God’s future Kingdom arrives, and his church is commissioned to continue the mission of Jesus to bring Gods kingdom here on earth. Watch series again

The King and His Kingdom: The Gospel of Matthew

March - May 2021

Our series exploring the gospel of Matthew - the story of The King and his Kingdom. From birth to resurrection via teaching and demonstrating the kingdom through his public ministry, we get to see King Jesus fulfilling OT prophecy and Gods future kingdom breaking though in the life death resurrection of Jesus. God’s future Kingdom arrives, and his church is commissioned to continue the mission of Jesus to bring Gods kingdom here on earth.

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A Year Of Investing In God’s KingdomJanuary 2021Mark and Jude unpack our vision for 2021 - looking at how we pray, discern and dream through what God has for us in the coming year.Watch series again

A Year Of Investing In God’s Kingdom

January 2021

Mark and Jude unpack our vision for 2021 - looking at how we pray, discern and dream through what God has for us in the coming year.

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The BeatitudesSeptember 2020 Our series exploring The Beatitudes, Jesus' teaching on eight blessings in the sermon on the mount as recounted in Matthew 5:3–11 Watch series again

The Beatitudes

September 2020
Our series exploring The Beatitudes, Jesus' teaching on eight blessings in the sermon on the mount as recounted in Matthew 5:3–11

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Be TransformedApril - July 2020 Our series exploring Romans 8:29, Robert Mulholland's book "invitation to a journey" and how God invites us on a journey of spiritual transformation "to be formed in the image of Jesus for the benefit of others".Watch…

Be Transformed

April - July 2020
Our series exploring Romans 8:29, Robert Mulholland's book "invitation to a journey" and how God invites us on a journey of spiritual transformation "to be formed in the image of Jesus for the benefit of others".

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VisionHere you can find our recent talks outlining our vision, including the most recent Vision Sunday. Watch series again


Here you can find our recent talks outlining our vision, including the most recent Vision Sunday.

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